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United States Neapolitan Mastiff Club and Mastino Rescue, Inc. Announcement

It is the common love of the magnificent and majestic Neapolitan Mastiff that brings together the United States Neapolitan Mastiff Club and Mastino Rescue, Inc. 


As its March 2022 meeting, Mastino Rescue, Inc., was unanimously endorsed as an approved Rescue by the Board of Directors of USNMC.


The newly formed Rescue Liaison Committee worked diligently over the past several months to prepare a Statement of Commitment that outlines standards of support of external rescue organization by the Club. Mastino Rescue, Inc., was able to more than satisfy these standards.


It is the hope that the USNMC members can become volunteers for Mastino Rescue, Inc., whether fostering, transporting, helping with educational activities and materials, or helping with fund raising events for the Club's supported Rescue. 


In turn, USNMC members can benefit from their participation with the Rescue by becoming more aware of issues of breeders, owners, and also how to help the overall health and well-being of our breed. 


Please join us in embracing this union as we take our first steps together on an exciting path that will only benefit our beloved breed.


Susie Schramm

Chair, USNMC Rescue

Liaison Committee

Christina Martin

Vice President, 

Mastino Rescue, Inc.

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